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By 4:00 PM

Hey guys ! Welcome back to the blog. As you can notice the blog has changed quite a bit. RG and I have been trying out a few things here and there to make the blog aesthetically pleasing. Please bear with us because it's our first time dealing with codes so at times some links may not properly work. So moving on to the outfit, it's currently "winter" in Las Vegas and I quoted winter for a reason. The winter here hasn't been how used to be for a few years. Usually when it's winter it would be freezing cold making it difficult to wear thin pieces of clothing, but the only day we've experienced that was during Christmas Eve and Christmas. The current weather here in Vegas has definitely been bipolar, so the easiest way to deal is of course wearing tights and shorts. This combination always work for me because if the weather decides to go from cold morning to a sunny afternoon, it wouldn't be too hard for me to adapt. 

Fashion blog IG: @joandrg
Fashion blog Twitter:@joandrg
Personal IG: @joaniebug13

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